Monday, April 25, 2011

"She's waiting...

...for another love" -Eric Clapton

Egg retrieval and transfer are over. Even with a 15% increase in Follistim, I still only made nine eggs. Of those nine, six were immature. Thankfully all three remaining eggs fertilized with ICSI and were returned - one 8 cell (grade 1.5 out of 5), two 6 cells (grade 2 out of 5). Doctor gave my guys/gals 2 B's and an A minus. I'm thrilled with this info and attribute the progress to studying. And by studying I mean no caffeine and a slow tapering off from the ciggys over the past month. Here they are for your viewing pleasure. Check out that sucker on the left? Pretty handsome, right? I guess every mom thinks their kids are gorgeous.

My beta is scheduled for May 4th, about 10 days from now. I know I can't wait that long so I've already printed several $2 coupons from Every dollar counts at this point, right? Speaking of money, my stomach turns every time I think of the money we've spent. Thankfully we have generous parents who helped defray the huge investment with a sizable donation. But still, the figures are nauseating...

IVF#1 = BFN (mickey-mouse insurance paid for zippo, 100% out of pocket)
  • Clinic fees: $12,150
  • Hospital fees: $1,050
  • Pharmacy fees: $11,950
  • TOTAL = $25,150

IVF#2 = ??? (better insurance paid for most medication, some bloodwork, some doctor visits)
  • Clinic fees: $9,800
  • Hospital fees: $1,050
  • Pharmacy fees: $1,300
  • TOTAL = $12,150

Right now I've got absolutely nothing and it's cost me a grand total of $37,300. Do you know what you could get for that kind of money? No? I'll tell you:
  • a BMW, Audi or Lexus (take your pick)
  • Three months at the Four Seasons in Maui (if you haven't been, I highly recommend a visit)
  • One year of tuition at Harvard (if you add in the ala carte fees for Assisted Hatching and Cryopreservation that I didn't get/need, then you can attend one year of Harvard Medical School. It might be smart to choose reproductive endocrinology as a specialty. Seems like a lucrative career choice)

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